According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, on average, a motor vehicle runs through a red light every 20 minutes at each intersection.
California’s Vehicle Code, Section 21453(A) prohibits a driver from failing to stop at a red signal (often called the “red light”). In California, the total fine for a red light ticket is approximate $436. This moving violation puts one point on your driving record and may trigger an increase in your insurance premiums.
You can be issued a citation for this offense either because an officer sees the infraction and conducts a traffic stop to issue the citation or it is recorded on a red light camera at an intersection in California, CA.
If you pay the red light ticket, it means that you are entering a guilty plea and will be convicted. Instead, hire a traffic ticket attorney who can fight to have the citation reduced to a less serious offense for a non-moving violation so the points can be avoided.
Attorney for Red Light Tickets in the California
Under California’s Vehicle Code, Section 21453(a), it is a violation of the law to fail to come to a stop at a red light. Also, VC § 21453(b) prohibits a driver from making an illegal right turn (sometimes called a “right on red”) by not coming to a complete stop at the red light before starting the right turn.
If you received a citation for a red light ticket in San Francisco, CA, then contact an experienced traffic ticket lawyer to fight your case. Call [$phone] today.
Failure to Stop at a Red Signal under VC § 21453(a)
California Vehicle Code Section 21453(a) provides:
A driver facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication to proceed is shown, except as provided in subdivision.
California Vehicle Code Section 21453(b) provides:
Except when a sign is in place prohibiting a turn, a driver, after stopping as required by subdivision (a), facing a steady circular red signal, may turn right, or turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street. A driver making that turn shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to any vehicle that has approached or is approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard to the driver, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that vehicle until the driver can proceed with reasonable safety.
Additional Resources:
Red Light Camera Citation in San Francisco — Visit the website of the Superior Court of California for the County of San Francisco to learn more about red light camera citations. See information about what you should do if you are not the person that ran the red light and how to remove your name from the ticket. Find information on fighting a red light camera ticket if you were driving a company car. Read more about how to pay the ticket online, by mail, or in person at the San Francisco Superior Court on Bryant Street.
Red Light Traffic Tickets SFMTA — Visit the website of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to learn more about red light camera tickets and other automated enforcement for illegal right turns, and to enforce Transit Only lanes under the Transit Only Lane Enforcement (TOLE) Program.
Finding a Lawyer for Running a Red Light in the California
If you receive a citation under the California Vehicle Code, then contact an experienced traffic ticket attorney at Ticket Crushers. We can help you crush that ticket for VC 21453(a) for running a red light. Don’t just pay that $436 fine. Paying the ticket means that you are entering a guilty plea and will be assessed the points for a traffic violation.
Instead of paying that ticket, contact an experienced traffic ticket attorney in San Francisco at Ticket Crushers. From speeding tickets to red light camera violations, we can help you CRUSH that ticket.
Bay Area Counties Served: San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, Solano, Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, Yuba.
Call the California’s premier Traffic and DUI Law Firm to discuss your Red Light Camera Traffic Ticket. 1-866-TICKET-HELP (1-866-842-5384)