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California's Top-Rated DUI & Traffic Defense Firm

No Court, No Points, No Traffic School - Ticket Crushers is the Top-Rated DUI & Traffic Defense Law Firm in California. Proudly serving Northern and Southern California, the courts and judges are familiar with our diligent, aggressive lawyers. Ticket Crushers Traffic Attorney cases include: Speeding Tickets, Redlight Camera Tickets, Suspended Licenses, Reckless Driving, Failure to Stop for School Bus, School Zone, Turn Violations and DUIs.

The attorneys at Ticket Crushers are motivated to sort out your legal matters for you as we specialize in navigating California's Traffic Courts - as well as matters of traffic tickets and DUIs. We have serviceable locations throughout California, so you have convenient, reliable support no matter where you reside. Be in touch with us immediately so we can remedy your traffic dispute or relevant legal matter; the longer you wait, the more dismal the outcome will likely be. Call us now for a free consultation.

Traffic Ticket Defense in California

The moment you get a traffic ticket, the clock starts ticking. You have a short time to choose either:

(1) Exercise Your Legal Right to Fight Your Ticket, or (2) Just pay your ticket with or without traffic school*. If you delay too long, you will pay your full ticket cost, might get costly points on your license, plus face a $300 late fine. Ouch! So don't miss your limited-time chance to Crush That Ticket — contact us today.

We know that your heart skipped a beat when you saw the red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You got a little nervous when the officer asked you for your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. But the real discomfort started when you drove away with the traffic citation in your hand. Every time you think about that traffic citation, you start to wonder how much it will cost you in time, money, and frustration. Although paying the ticket seems simple enough, you know that paying the ticket might be the most expensive way to resolve the case, because you can hire a lawyer to exercise your legal rights.

*For many tickets, traffic school is not an available option.

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  • Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
  • Northern & Southern California's Top-Rate DUI & Traffic Law Firm


How do we do it?

1. Volume. Our lawyers fight many, many tickets in every courthouse. Our lawyers are going to court anyway, so how about our lawyers fight for you while we are there!

2. Experience. We know the legal tactics that get tickets dismissed/reduced in court.

Keeping points off your record:

Paying a traffic ticket often raises your auto insurance rates. In fact, points on your record often raise rates by well over $750! (See nerdwallet.com) We help clients avoid points 90% of the time.

Is Ticket Crushers a reliable service?

Well, our lawyers have crushed thousands of tickets! Ticket Crushers is a member of the Better Business Bureau, with an A+ rating! We also average five stars on Facebook, Google, and Yelp!

Ticket Crushers or traffic school?

(A) Ticket Crushers: We get tickets completely dismissed 60% of the time! And we get tickets reduced to no points and no traffic school an additional 30% of the time -- all for as little as $149, depending on the infraction!

(B) Traffic school*: pay the full cost of your ticket and do an 8-hour, online, DMV-mandated course costing around $72 ($20 course fee plus $52 court fee).

* For many tickets, traffic school is not even an available option.

How Our Traffic Ticket Defense Works


With locations in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California, we’re confident we will be able to accommodate your legal needs. Don’t pay that traffic ticket! Forget court hearings and avoid traffic school. Just call the attorneys at Ticket Crushers and we’ll crush the ticket on your behalf. Don't pay the ticket; crush the ticket.

  • California DUI Lawyers Association
  • National College for DUI Defense


The attorneys at Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporation represent clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California for Driving Under the Influence ("DUI") charges. Whether your case involves a BAC reading of .08 or above or an alleged refusal to submit to testing, call us at 1 (866) 842-5384 to discuss the case. Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporation is experienced in fighting to suppress or exclude the results of a breath or blood test.

Our seasoned attorneys provide a full service approach by fighting the DMV to determine if your driving privileges will be suspended on an administrative basis before the case even goes to court (often called the "per se hearing"). We also aggressively represent clients in the criminal case before the judge. That is important, because even for a person with no prior record, the statutory maximum penalties for a first-time DUI include a $1,000 fine, plus over $2,600 in penalty assessments, up to six months in jail, a six month driver's license suspension, vehicle impoundment, and a requirement that you install the dreaded ignition interlock device in your vehicle.

The potential DUI penalties are even greater if your breath or blood alcohol concentration was over .15 or .20, you had a child passenger in the vehicle, you were involved in an accident with property damage, or you have a prior DUI-related conviction in California or any other state. The only way to avoid the statutory minimum penalties for a DUI is to hire an aggressive lawyer who can get the case dismissed or the charges reduced to a less serious charge such as reckless driving. Avoiding a DUI conviction can save you thousands of dollars in fines, court costs, and increased insurance premiums.

It is also important to keep in mind that even if the case is reduced to reckless driving, all of the terms of the sentence still need to be negotiated, including whether the charge will be classified as a "wet reckless" or a "dry reckless." Your Ticket Crushers attorneys will work hard to negotiate the best possible resolution. An experienced drunk driving defense attorney in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Central Valley and Southern California will assert an effective defense suited to the particular facts of our case.

Focused on Felony and Misdemeanor Traffic Crimes


The attorneys at Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporation and its legal associates, represent clients in the counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, the Central Valley and Coast for felony and misdemeanor criminal cases, as well as civil traffic infractions. At Ticket Crushers, Our offices are located in various locations in California. We serve clients throughout the City of San Francisco and the surrounding areas including Alameda County, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, and Contra Costa County, Solano County, Sonoma County, Marin County, and Napa County, CA.

By focusing on criminal defense and the defense of traffic infractions in San Francisco and the surrounding areas, our seasoned attorneys can provide the most aggressive and effective defense possible. When you hire an attorney at Ticket Crushers, you can have peace of mind knowing that an experienced attorney will go to court to fight your case.

The California criminal defense attorneys at Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporaton and its Ticket Crushers division fight cases in California Courts at all stages of the case including arraignments, preliminary hearings, motion hearings, probation violation hearings, and trials.

Our attorneys provide a free consultation either over the phone or in the office. Although our normal business hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the phone is answered 24/7. A Representative from Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporation is available to talk with you when needed. Call 1-866-842-5384 to discuss your case and find out what you need to do right now to protect your rights after a criminal accusation or a citation for a traffic violation.

40+ Years of Attorney Experience

Ticket Crushers
Ticket Crushers, A Law Corporation



Ticket Crushers