California's Top-Rated DUI & Traffic Defense Firm
No Court, No Points, No Traffic School - Ticket Crushers is the Top-Rated DUI & Traffic Defense Law Firm in California. Proudly serving Northern and Southern California, the courts and judges are familiar with our diligent, aggressive lawyers. Ticket Crushers Traffic Attorney cases include: Speeding Tickets, Redlight Camera Tickets, Suspended Licenses, Reckless Driving, Failure to Stop for School Bus, School Zone, Turn Violations and DUIs.
The attorneys at Ticket Crushers are motivated to sort out your legal matters for you as we specialize in navigating California's Traffic Courts - as well as matters of traffic tickets and DUIs. We have serviceable locations throughout California, so you have convenient, reliable support no matter where you reside. Be in touch with us immediately so we can remedy your traffic dispute or relevant legal matter; the longer you wait, the more dismal the outcome will likely be. Call us now for a free consultation.
Traffic Ticket Defense in California
The moment you get a traffic ticket, the clock starts ticking. You have a short time to choose either:
(1) Exercise Your Legal Right to Fight Your Ticket, or (2) Just pay your ticket with or without traffic school*. If you delay too long, you will pay your full ticket cost, might get costly points on your license, plus face a $300 late fine. Ouch! So don't miss your limited-time chance to Crush That Ticket — contact us today.
We know that your heart skipped a beat when you saw the red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You got a little nervous when the officer asked you for your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. But the real discomfort started when you drove away with the traffic citation in your hand. Every time you think about that traffic citation, you start to wonder how much it will cost you in time, money, and frustration. Although paying the ticket seems simple enough, you know that paying the ticket might be the most expensive way to resolve the case, because you can hire a lawyer to exercise your legal rights.
*For many tickets, traffic school is not an available option.