5 DUI Arrests Friday night in Petaluma in Saturation Patrols

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Petaluma Saturation Patrols

The Press Democrat: Petaluma police officers made a total of five DUI arrests Friday night, three of them resulting in “saturation patrols” conducted by two officers between 10:30 p.m. and 3 a.m.

During that same period, officers also arrested two more drivers on suspected DUI violations.

In one of the five arrests, a 21-year-old driver was reportedly driving his vehicle on all four rims, swerving “all over the road and going about 12 miles per hour,” according to a police statement.

[Read More at The Press Democrat]

For more information on Saturation Patrols and if you were arrested for a DUI, see this Ticket Crushers DUI Defense and First DUI.